Archive for March, 2011

art of motion 2011

took place in london the last weekend. here are some clips:

WFPF Red Bull Art Of Motion London 2011 (Gimme10 Studios)

Red Bull Art Of Motion 2011 – London (Visive Productions)

all kinds of awesome shit

first, check out skimboarding! it’s like skating in the sea! it’s sunny and warm and summerly and the music is perfect:

Paulo Prietto Professional Skimboarding

second, there’s kids tricking. make sure to watch the end of the video featuring mica karns (turn off the sound and listen to this while watching):

kids these days


third, we’ ve got a nitro circus video which unfortunatly is somehow badly edited but still worth watching:

Nitro Circus Live – Newcastle Albury Highlights

those kicks were fast as lightning…

Loopkicks Luv Session Battle Highlights


freerunning and parkour at it’s best. if you don’t feel like running and jumping around after watching this you’re probably dead:

it’s the music that we choose


the same goes for this and tricking:

Jamie LL O Qar


these kicks are terrific. watch it!

KiRi – TIME 2000fps //Team SCOOT

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Now with pictures!

you know, to get a hint of what to expect...
also, they say a picture says more than a thousand words