Archive for May, 2012


when everything comes together as it’s supposed to, it feels something like this:

Kilian Martin: Altered Route

so yeah, ok

over one month since the last post, so finally, some new (or not so new) videos…

tricking is officially not underground anymore since red bull held the first world tricking championships. and let me tell you, the best trickers out there are still getting better. pure awesomeness:

Martial Arts Tricking Sampler – “Make Some Noise” @ HKPK World Tricking Championships 2012

videos from the battles here.

incredible stuff comes from oli lemieux. his air awareness is justĀ  mind blowing. this one actually scared me a little bit:

Oli lemieux freerunning Trampoline Wall


new storror episode:

‘Cheese Scone Pro-ing’ – Episode 94


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Now with pictures!

you know, to get a hint of what to expect...
also, they say a picture says more than a thousand words